Faces of Hall County: Dr. Pepper BrownDr. Pierpont F. Brown’s (Pepper) office is filled with what he calls “relics” (books on surgery) and photos of his family. But some of the prized pieces in his office are the handmade gifts that have been given to him by his children over the years.
Dr. Brown was influenced and inspired by his father, who was the first surgeon in Gainesville, and has a Surgery Pavilion at Northeast Georgia Medical Center named after him.
“I caught the bug at 16 years old when my father used to let me watch surgeries,” he said. “He had no idea I would go into medicine, since he passed away while I was still in high school.”
Dr. Brown graduated from Gainesville High School, went on to Emory at Oxford, then Emory Medical and did his four year residency at Emory in Augusta before coming home to Gainesville to practice.
We are grateful that Dr. Brown recently took the time to meet with us and answer some questions about his life, interests and love of Hall County.
Question: If you could only eat at one place for an entire week in Hall County, where would it be?
Answer: “Longstreet Café.”
Q: How long have you lived in Hall County?
A: “58 years.”
Q: If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
A: “Probably England.”
Q: What is your favorite social outing in Hall County?
A: “One of my favorites is attending a Gainesville POPS concert.”
Q: “What’s your favorite book? Or what are you reading now?”
A: “Undaunted Courage (Stephen Ambrose).”
Q: What is your favorite thing about Hall County?
A: “Its home to me.”
Q: What is your favorite movie?
A: “’Gone With the Wind.’”
Q: What is your favorite sandwich?
A: “Any that my wife makes.”
Q: What former local business makes you the most nostalgic?
A: “The Cake Box.”
Q: What advice would you give a crowd of people?
A: “This sounds like a beauty contest question…There’s no need to do things you don’t want to do. Follow your passion.”
Q: When have you felt the most satisfied in your life?
A: “One of the best feelings is giving something and no one knowing you did it, but you and God.”
Q: If you could have lunch with anyone in the world, who would you choose?
A: “George Herbert Walker Bush. He would be pretty cool. You’ve got the politics and he was shot down in WWII. I would love for my father to join us and for us to have our lunch at the Gainesville Botanical Gardens.”
The Faces of Hall County is a project to showcase the amazing people that live or work in our community. If you would like to nominate an interesting person to be featured please email babernathy@gonorton.com.